LogMeIn Rescue lets us remotely see what’s going on in your smartphone or computer if you need technical support.
Once you’ve given us a call and a technician thinks it best to use LogMeIn Rescue they will TXT you a 6-digit code or link to download an applet.
Using a PIN Code: Enter your code in the field below, and a small application will download a connection to your computer or smartphone to start the support session.
During the remote session connection the technician should be able to control your computer.
Remember: Only accept support from individuals and organizations you trust and please ensure you close down any personal information or applications you do not wish to be seen.
Steps to follow using a PIN Code
- Enter the 6-digit code from the TXT we sent you in the form below, and click “Connect to technician”
- Select “Save File” to save the Support-LogMeinRescue.exe app to your computer
- Open the file with the download has completed. You may get an Open Executable File warning appear - click “Ok”
- Confirmation window may appear, select “Run”
- Scroll down to accept One NZ Terms and Conditions within the One NZ/LogMeIn remote application. Select “Accept”
- The remote application will initiate and attempt to establish a connection with a remote technician
- Once connection has successfully been established with the technician, click “Ok”
- The remote technician will now have access to your computer. To revoke click on the red X on the remote application toolbar or press pause/break on the keyboard.
Steps to follow using an email sent to you
- Open the email sent to you by One NZ support staff
- Click on the link provided or copy and paste into your web browser
- You may get an Open Executable File warning appear - click “Ok”
- Confirmation window may appear, select “Run”
- Scroll down to accept One NZ Terms and Conditions within the One NZ/LogMeIn remote application. Select “Accept”
- The remote application will initiate and attempt to establish a connection with a remote technician
- Once connection has successfully been established with the technician, click “Ok”
- The remote technician will now have access to your computer. To revoke click on the red X on the remote application toolbar or press pause/break on the keyboard.